Everything You Need to Know About Before and After School Programs

There are many working parents who look for a reliable before and after school care program to keep their children safe as they need to get into their regular work routine. Such programs support what children learn during the day in the classroom while offering their parents with the peace of mind that their kids are safe and have fun in a centre that is close to home.

Before and After School Care Melbourne

Let’s take a look at some of the key characteristics of a high-quality licensed before and after school care program.

1. They expand your child’s social circle

Enrolling your kid for before and after school care program introduces him/her to other kids that they do not know from their school or classroom. This allows them to use their social and communication skills to build new friendships. Moreover, they participate in small-group activities with kids of similar age. This can be proven to be a major benefit for the children that are more reserved or cautious while entering new environments.

2. They offer learning opportunities based on interest

Children who attend after-school programs benefit from building on the lessons they have been taught in the school, creating an increased desire to learn. Good before and after school care program offer activities, project and games based on the child’s learning interests. This helps in developing self-confidence while still sticking to the curriculum they have learned in the school.

3. Children get time to play outdoors

Enrolling your kid for the before and after school care program gives your kid an opportunity to be active, especially outdoors. Outdoor activities reduce the risk associated with the sedentary behaviour such as sitting in front of the television or playing video games which can lead to serious health issues.

4. They give an opportunity to relax and unwind

Whether they need to go to the gym, hanging out with friends, grabbing something to eat or reading a good book, after the hard day at work, most of the working parents need time to unwind. The same can be applied to children after a day in a classroom. While some need an afternoon snack right away or some need to run around, a good before and after school care program will schedule activities to make the transition easier.

5. They offer help in homework

If requested, many extended day programs can assist with homework too. This gives kids an opportunity to indulge in different activities and not spend time in completing their assignments. While help with homework isn’t compulsory in a before and after school program, it may be helpful to consider having this option when you know that your child is going to have limited time to finish their work.

Matrix Early Learning is a licensed child care centre specialising in providing before and after school care program in Melbourne for children aged between 6 weeks to 6 years. Our centres have been specifically designed to offer your child with calm and homelike environments with the finest of indoor-outdoor facilities. Get your child enrolled today!

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